Link To Photo Template To Add Your Own Moments Here
Pick up coffee from your favorite coffee shop
Buy yourself flowers to show yourself some love
Light your favorite candle especially on a cold chilly day
Do a youtube walking tour through a city you’ve never been to
Make a fun little drink to wind down with after work
Watch the sunset for as long as you can as these days slowly start to get longer
Watch your favorite show or a show you used to love but haven’t seen in awhile
Take a new route to work and play your favorite songs as a way to get out of your usual daily habit
Listen to an album start to finish and no skipping any songs
Call one of your parents and chat with them about your day
Make a lava cake and top it with a huge scoop of vanilla ice cream
Wear a new outfit you normally wouldn’t, something collecting dust in your closet
Go get a pastry from your fav spot and enjoy it on the way to work or on your day off
Look at the sky/stars for 5 minutes and let yourself be present
Watch a new movie that has just been released
Try a new recipe for dinner that you’ve been meaning to try
Listen to a new podcast episode of your current favorite podcast
Go for a run and do at least a mile just to get your lungs going
Pickup sushi for dinner and eat it in front of your tv
Get your nails or some kind of pampering done, bonus points if it somehow relates to to love
Do nothing all day and don’t beat yourself up for it
Take photos of yourself, whether it be a full blown shoot or a few quick selfies, admire yourself
Buy a discounted box of Valentines chocolates and truly indulge
Bake a batch of cookies and give them away to a coworker you know really needs a pick me up
Compliment one of your siblings and genuinely mean it
Get ice cream even though it’s cold as is, you can still have ice cream in the winter
Stay up until midnight doing something you love because when is the last time you stayed up doing something intentionally fun
Buy something small for yourself online or a couple small things just for fun